
The latest tech news, tips, and trends to keep you up to date in our dynamic industry

Data security in the ‘Work-from-home’ environment

Data security in the ‘Work-from-home’ environment2020 threw a lot of challenges at the world. One of them, from the business perspective, that overshadowed the others was cybersecurity. How to ensure data safety and security in an environment where businesses can’t really control what employees do even during work hours? With the world almost a year into the pandemic, new best practices emerged that will be in use not just during the pandemic, but probably also in the future, post-pandemic era.

How the cloud is a solid survival tool for your business during a crisis

How the cloud is a solid survival tool for your business during a crisisOne thing the Coronavirus pandemic taught businesses is the fact that it is important to move with the times and adopt and adapt to the latest technology. While you don’t have to be the first one in the market to invest in the newest technology, once its effectiveness and usefulness is proven, it does make sense to switch to it.

Tech agility: A must-have for crisis survival

Tech agility: A must-have for crisis survivalIt is a known fact that survival of any species depends on its ability to adapt to change. One major change for businesses in 2020 was the need to switch to the work-from-home model to keep things running during the time of pandemic.

What’s your argument against an SLA with an MSP? Part-2

What’s your argument against an SLA with an MSP? (And why it doesn’t hold water) Part-2In our last blog post, we discussed 3 reasons SMBs usually cite for not signing a service level agreement with an MSP. In this blog post, we suggest how an SLA with an MSP will add value to your business, irrespective of your business size, budget and the presence of an in-house IT team.

Equip your business with the IT foundation it needs to compete and win

Equip your business with the IT foundation it needs to compete and winIn a recent industry survey, it was found that one of the biggest factors holding back small and mid-sized firms from achieving their business goals was IT. One may argue that smaller businesses lack the capital that the bigger players have to invest in their business, but even with all other aspects being more or less equal, the difference brought about by their lack of investment in IT was found to be a key differentiating factor--far more than other elements such as marketing, human resources and even industry expertise.

Keylogger 101

Keylogger 101 We have all heard of hacking, virus, ransomwares, etc. as they keep coming up in the news every now and then. But, have you heard of keyloggers? In this blog post, we discuss keyloggers and how they can be used to gain unauthorized access to your system, online accounts, network and data.

Social media security

Social media securitySocial media is a great tool for SMBs to get the word out about their products and services, build their brand, and connect with prospective customers. It also offers paid marketing avenues as well, such as PPCs, marketplaces, etc., But are your social media accounts secure? Typically what happens in a business account on social media is that multiple people may have access to the account.